Monday 13 September 2010

I was going to write a post about procrastination...

It's a funny old world. Here we are, halfway through September and I haven't posted anything since the World Cup!

I never fail to amaze myself  with the ideas I have for blog posts. But the ideas always come at the most inopportune times. I may come up with an idea whilst on my daily commute on the tube, but only when I'm walking between stations, on in a crowded compartment that makes taking notes, either on paper or on my phone, difficult at best.

The times when I can actually make notes on my phone, either I have no muse, or the technology fails me and by the time I've got a signal and enough battery power to actually type a note to myself, the fleeting idea has flown. I have tried in the past to run a 'mobile' blog, but again opportunities and ideas never seem to want to meet, or only rarely.

I'm the same with photography. I've taken to making sure I always have a camera with me (the camera in my phone is boogered, so that doesn't count - another example of technology letting me down). I see lots of potential subjects, but usually only when I'm rushing to work, or rushing home, or driving the car. Or it may be a fleeting subject that's gone by the time I've got the camera out and ready. Never when I've got time to compose a shot, or find the right angle. An exception to this is a 'ghost sign' that I spotted near my office the other day. "Black Cat cigarettes. Extra Large, 10 for 6d" - the whole advert would have been three stories high when new. So where's the picture, you may ask? Still in the camera - I haven't got around to unloading and uploading it to my Flickr stream yet. One day, one day soon... But if you can't wait, there are several shots almost identical to mine to be found on Flickr.

So. I have half an hour free, and this blog post is the rushed result. No spell check, no grammar check, just a stream of conciousness with no real beginning, middle or end. Everything you shouldn't do when composing a blog post. Ah well.

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